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Support us. Donate now!
Would you like to support the Super Sliders?
There are lots of different ways to get involved to help fund our life changing initiatives.
Whether you’re willing to offer up blood, sweat and/or tears doing a sporting challenge or you prefer to organise a cake sale, there are so many ways you can raise money and help us to provide more young people with vital support
Donate with your credit card

… or with PayPal account

Show your support at Christmastime with our fantastic
Super Sliders Christmas Cards!
Contact us for more details >>
Support in your own way
Love to bake?
Ready to take on a challenge?
Love a quiz?
There are so many ways you can help to support our work that revolve around your passions and interests. Not every challenge has to be a sporting one!
Get your company involved
We couldn’t do our important work without help from the generous companies who believe in our mission as much as we do. From product collaborations, sponsoring events and staff fundraising to donating kit in kind or donating through Payroll, there are lots of ways your company can get involved.
See who’s supporting us
We have a wide variety of organisations supporting us.
Account Holder Name: The Bobsleigh Skeleton and Ice Sports Foundation — Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
CAF Cash Account: 00035040 — Sort code: 40-52-40
IBAN: GB27CAFB40524000035040